Mikaeel@Michael Jackson kembali ke Rahmatullah (Hiburan)
Allahyarham Mikaeel pergi tanpa pun mengharungi bahana kesakitan yang panjang. Tetiba sahaja kita dikejutkan dengan pemergiannya akibat serangan jantung. Perbagai andaian lantaran pemergian yang mengejut ini pasti akan menjadi tanda tanya.
Yang pastinya Allahyarham di hujung usianya menerima Islam sebagai agamanya. Tentunya ini akan menjanjikan kita satu nostalgia yang amat manis buat kita sebagai penganut agama Islam. Seorang lelaki hebat yang lemas mencari ketenangan akhirnya dapat pertunjuk Ilahi menerima agamanya, Islam. Sayangnya Allahyarham Mikaeel tidak sempat tentunya menjadikan keimanannya sebagai panduan peminat seni mendekati Islam lebih azali & unggul.
Semoga roh Allahyarham Mikaeel akan diterima di alam sana & dirahmati sebagai muslim yang sebenar. Agar Allahyarham Mikaeel nanti dapat diketemukan dengan Nabi Daud a.s yang merdu suaranya, pun hamba Allah yang beriman di sana. Al-Fatihah.
Michael Jackson - hebat, kontroversi
Jun 26, 09 10:51am
Kematian Raja Pop Michael Jackson awal pagi ini akibat serangan jantung mengejutkan dunia dan dianggap sebagai satu kehilangan besar kepada para peminat dan dunia hiburan antarabangsa.
Pegawai Koroner Long Angeles, Leftenan Fred Corral memberitahu CNN bahawa Jackson, 50, disahkan meninggal dunia dua jam selepas pasukan perubatan menerima panggilan dari rumah bintang tersebut.
Michael dilahirkan pada 29 Ogos 1958 di Gary, Indiana. Dia merupakan anak ketujuh daripada keluarga sembilan orang.
Lima anak Jackson - Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael - membuat persembahan bersama pertama mereka dalam satu pertandingan nyanyian ketika Micheal berusia enam tahun.
Mereka muncul juara dan seterusnya menjadi kumpulan paling paling popular - The Jackson Five, dan kemudiannya The Jackson 5.
Michael membuat album sulungnya pada 1972, dan album Thriller pada 1982, yang terus menjadi lagu top 10.
Albumnya dijual sebanyak 21 juta di Amerika Syarikat dan sekurang-kurangnya 27 juta di seluruh dunia.
Penerima 13 kali Anugerah Grammy semasa hayatnya bergelut dengan pelbagai kontroversi, termasuklah dakwaannya memeluk Islam serta dituduh mencabul kehormatan seorang budak lelaki pada 1993.
Pada November tahun lalu, akhbar melaporkan, Michael memeluk Islam di rumah seorang rakannya Steve Porcaro di Los Angeles.
Turut hadir pada majlis itu penyanyi Yusuf Islam, pencipta lagu David Wharnsby dan penerbit album Philip Bubal.
Beliau dilaporkan memilih "Mikaeel" - sempena nama malaikat pembawa rezeki - sebagai nama Islamnya.
Abangnya Jermaine dilaporkan berkata, pemegang gelaran “penghibur sepanjang zaman” oleh Guinness World Records itu menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk memeluk Islam sejak awal 1990-an.
Michael kaya raya apabila album ketujuhnya Thriller terjual 109 juta keping, membina sebuah rumah mewah di Los Angelas yang dilengkapi dengan taman tema dan zoo persendirian.
Kediamannya itu sering dikunjungi kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik dan menghidap penyakit yang tidak boleh dirawat.
Di situ beliau bergelut dengan kontroversi yang mendakwa beliau telah mencabul seorang kanak-kanak pada 1993. Beliau diseret ke mahkamah sepuluh tahun selepas itu.
Bagaimanapun, selepas perbicaraan panjang selama dua tahun, mahkamah telah membersihkan namanya dengan mengumumkan beliau tidak bersalah.
Michael menjadi kegilaan anak muda di seluruh dunia dengan suara dan penampilannya yang unik, selain gerak tarinya yang bertenaga di pentas - dikenali sebagai tarian robot dan moonwalk.
Terakhir beliau bergelut dengan tuntutan saman sebanyak AS$7 juta (RM25.26) oleh seorang kerabat diraja Bahrain, Sheikh Abdulla Hamad Al Khalifa kerana didakwa melanggar perjanjian untuk merakam album dan mengadakan konsert di negara itu.
Michael Jackson Meninggal Dunia
Los Angeles, 26 Juni 2009 09:22
Raja musik Pop Michael Jackson, yang naik panggung sebagai bintang cilik dan merajai dunia dengan gerakan khasnya selama beberapa dasawarsa, meninggal dunia dalam usia 50 tahun, Kamis (25/6), demikian laporan jaringan berita TMZ.
Jackson dinyatakan meninggal dunia setelah tiba di satu rumah sakit Los Angeles akibat serangan jantung penuh, kata petugas koroner Los Angeles, Fred Corral.
Penyebab kematiannya, menurut Corral, belum diketahui. Otopsi direncanakan dilakukan pada Jum`at (26/6) waktu setempat.
Kematian tiba-tiba Jackson sebelumnya dilaporkan oleh sejumlah media Amerika Serikat, termasuk Los Angeles Times dan jaringan berita hiburan TMZ, yang menyatakan bahwa Jackson jatuh sakit di rumahnya dan segera dibawa ke rumah sakit oleh paramedis yang mendapati ia tak bernafas lagi ketika mereka tiba di rumah sakit.
"Kami baru saja mengetahui Michael Jackson telah meninggal dunia," demikian laporan TMZ.
"Jackson mengalami serangan jantung pada siang ini di rumahnya di Holmby Hills dan paramedis tak berhasil menyelamatkan dia. Kami diberitahu ketika paramedis tiba, jantung Jackson tak berdenyut dan tak pernah berdenyut lagi," jaringan berita hiburan itu melaporkan.
Ditambahkannya, "Satu sumber memberitahu kami, Jackson meninggal dunia ketika paramedis tiba."
Sebelumnya, Los Angeles Times melaporkan, Jackson telah dibawa ke sebuah rumah sakit di Los Angeles oleh paramedis yang mendapatinya tak bernafas, ketika mereka tiba di rumah penyanyi itu.
Surat khabar tersebut melaporkan, pihak paramedis melakukan cardiopulmonary resuscitation di tempat kejadian, sebelum membawanya ke UCLA Medical Center.
Jackson telah dijadualkan memulai serangkaian konser kembali ke panggung di London pada 13 Juli 2009, yang berlangsung hingga Maret 2010. Pelantun sejumlah hits seperti Thriller dan Billie Jean itu, telah melakukan berbagai latihan di daerah Los Angeles selama dua bulan belakangan, guna konsernya tersebut.
Tiket pertunjukan untuk 50 konser di London tersebut, ludes dalam waktu beberapa minit penjualan pada Maret 2009.
Jackson dilahirkan pada 29 Agustus 1958 di Gary, Indiana, sebagai anak ketujuh dari sembilan bersaudara.
Lima anak laki-laki keluarga Jackson --Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, dan Michael-- pertama kali manggung bersama dalam ajang pencari bakat ketika Jackson berusia 6 tahun. Mereka tampil sebagai peraih hadiah pertama dan berlanjut jadi kelompok laris, The Jackson Five, yang kemudian bernama The Jackson 5.
Jackson meluncurkan album solo pertamanya pada tahun 1972, dan Thriller pada tahun 1982, yang kemudian melambung. Album itu terjual sebanyak 21 juta keping di Amerika Serikat, dan sedikitnya 27 juta di seluruh dunia.
Setahun berikutnya, Jakcson memperkenalkan ciri khas gerakannya, Moonwalk, saat melantunkan lagu Billie Jean pada sebuah tayangan khusus milik NBC.
Pada tahun 1994, Jackson menikahi anak perempuan satu-satunya Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley. Namun perkawinan tersebut berakhir dengan perceraian pada tahun 1996. Jackson menikah lagi dengan Debbie Rowe pada tahun yang sama dan memiliki dua anak, sebelum berpisah pada tahun 1999. Pasangan itu tak pernah tinggal bersama.
Jackson memiliki tiga anak yang diberi nama Prince Michael I, Paris Michael, dan Prince Michael II, yang terkenal karena kemunculan singkat mereka ketika ayahnya menggendongnya di dekat pagar sebuah balkon hotel sehingga mengundang kecaman luas. [EL, Ant]
Blog tentang pemergian Allahyarham Mikaeel.
Peristiwa dia memeluk Islam
Michael Jackson dead at 50: did drugs kill the King of Pop?
Michael Jackson's death from a cardiac arrest was probably the result of drug abuse, said a family lawyer who claimed the star was addicted to painkilling medication.
By Anita Singh, Showbusiness Editor
Published: 12:13PM BST 26 Jun 2009
Michael Jackson dead at 50: did drugs kill the King of Pop?
Michael Jackson's body is loaded into a van to be taken to the Los Angeles County Coroner's office Photo: REUTERS
Michael Jackson dead at 50: did drugs kill the King of Pop?
Singer Michael Jackson dies in Los Angeles aged 50
Paramedics were called to Jackson's Los Angeles home just after noon on Thursday. He was rushed to UCLA Medical Centre where doctors battled in vain for an hour to save his life. He was pronounced dead at 2.26pm, with family members at his bedside.
The night before his death he had been in rehearsals for his 50-date London comeback tour.
Brian Oxman, the family's lawyer and long-time friend, said Jackson's family had long been concerned about his use of prescription drugs and blamed "enablers" in his entourage for making the situation worse.
There were reports that the 50-year-old singer had been given a painkilling injection shortly before his death.
Mr Oxman likened Jackson's demise to the drug-related death of Anna Nicole Smith, the former Playboy model, and said it came as no surprise to those close to the singer.
His family believed his reliance on painkillers had become "extensive" as he struggled with injuries during rehearsals.
"This is a case of abuse of medications," Mr Oxman said. "This is not something which had been unexpected. Because of the medication that Michael was taking, his family had been trying for months and months and months to take care of Michael Jackson.
"The people who have surrounded him have been enabling him. If you think the case of Anna Nicole Smith was an abuse, it was nothing in comparison to what we have seen taking place in Michael Jackson's life."
Mr Oxman told CNN: "Michael had appeared at rehearsals a couple of time, he was very seriously trying to be able to do this. His use of medication had gotten in the way, his injuries which he had sustained performing - where he had broken a vertebrae and had broken his leg from a fall from the stage - had gotten in the way.
"I do not know the extent of the medications that he was taking, but the reports that we have been receiving in the family is that it was extensive and this is something which I feared and something which I warned about.
"I don't know the cause of all this so I can't tell you what the ultimate result of it is going to be, but I can tell you for sure when you warn people that this is what's going to happen and then it happens, where there is smoke there is fire."
Drug use can cause cardiac arrest and Jackson had a long-standing reliance on painkillers. There were reports that the singer was taking Demerol, a powerful medication similiar to morphine, and the opiate Dilaudid. Toxicology tests will be carried out on his body and an autopsy is likely to be undertaken today. His body was flown to the coroner's office by helicopter.
News of Jackson's death was confirmed by his brother, Jermaine, who gave a press conference at the hospital.
He said: "My brother, the legendary King of Pop, passed away on Thursday June 25 at 2.26pm. We believe he suffered a cardiac arrest at his home, however the cause of his death is unknown until the results of the autopsy are known. The personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitated him."
Stars from the world of showbusiness and politics united in tribute to the star who revolutionised pop music with albums such as Thriller, but whose later years were tainted by allegations of child abuse.
Sir Paul McCartney, who dueted with Jackson in the early 1980s on Say Say Say, said : "It's so sad and shocking. I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael. He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever and my memories of our time together will be happy ones."
Madonna said: "I can't stop crying over the sad news. I've always admired Michael Jackson – the world has lost one of its greats but his music will live on forever.
"My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family. God bless."
Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid tribute to Jackson, saying: "This is very sad news for the millions of Michael Jackson fans in Britain and around the world."
Britney Spears said: "I was so excited to see his show in London. We were going to be on tour in Europe at the same time and I was going to fly in to see him. He has been an inspiration throughout my entire life and I'm devastated he's gone!"
The Rev Al Sharpton, the civil rights campaigner, described Jackson as a "historic figure", saying: "Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of colour way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama."
He added: "Many ridiculed him. It's amazing to see how many people are now praising him that wouldn't go near him in the last several years, and condemnde him. In our last conversation a couple of months ago when I was teasing him I was coming to England to see him perform again, he talked about how many people had let him down. I told him it didn't matter, he had never let the fans down. "
Quincy Jones, the music producer who worked with Jackson on Thriller, said: "I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news."
Paying tribute to the singer's "talent, grace, professionalism and dedication", he added: "I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."
There was speculation that the pressure of his forthcoming London dates may have been too much for Jackson.
AEG Live, which organised the concerts at the O2 Arena in Greenwich, said Jackson had passed a lengthy physical exam in early 2009, but he last toured 12 years ago and looked markedly frail at the press conference to promote the shows.
Fears for his health emerged after he postponed the earliest dates, and his aides were forced to deny that he was fighting skin cancer.
Max Clifford, the publicist and friend of Jackson, said: "You wonder if the strain of getting fit for this major tour proved too much. In recent pictures he looked anything but healthy. He was always someone who seemed to find it difficult to cope with fame."
Another friend of Jackson, the illusionist Uri Geller, said there had been no indication that the singer was in a frail condition.
"I really have no words. He was a young and terribly fit man and he was getting ready for performances in England. He was just fine, the last I heard."
Jackson lived as a virtual recluse following his 2005 acquittal on charges including child molestation and kidnap.
He repeatedly denied undergoing cosmetic surgery, despite very visible changes to his face and skin tone, and was criticised for forcing his children to wear veils whenever they were in public.
Born in 1958, Jackson made his musical debut with four of his older brothers in the Jackson Five before embarking on a solo career.
His 1982 album Thriller – which included the hits Beat It, Billie Jean and Thriller – is still the best-selling album of all time, with more than 26 million copies sold. His lifetime sales tally is estimated at 750? million.
In 1994, he married Lisa Marie Presley, the 26-year-old daughter of Elvis Presley. The couple separated two years later and Jackson later married Debbie Rowe, a 37-year-old nurse he met while undergoing plastic surgery in 1997. They had two children, Prince Michael and Paris Michael Katherine, before divorcing in 1999.
Jackson had custody of the two children and of a third, Prince Michael II, whose mother's name has never been made public.
Kaitan kisah Nabi Daud a.s
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